Thursday, February 10, 2011

BRAIN -[disconnect to]- MOUTH!?

My BRAIN sometimes thinks in a random web-like way,
     while my MOUTH feels like it shouldn't talk until all thoughts are in a straight line. 

For my idea-generating brain: 
      (one idea) --makes me think of --> (another sometimes partial idea) --which makes me think of--> (another, interesting, sometimes related, but not always partial idea) --which might bring me back to--> (the original idea) and so on.  All over the map.
      Also, this brain thinks in PICTURES and feelings a lot.  

Then, my very communication brain seeks sequential logical communication:
         1. introduction
         2. first point
         3. next point
         4. next point
         5. conclusion
     This brain feels the need to communicate in logic, order, and words.  

As an example, the sequence in which I wrote this article so far has NOT been in order (not even nearly close to it).  I have revised many times, and even published it several times before going back and getting it out the way "I meant."  Where "it makes sense now."  Even then it seemed "not perfect," but I pushed passed that anyway. 

This (web-like, partial, high-volume) thoughting process [conflicting with] my mouth's strive for (sequential, complete, eloquence) was one of the MAJOR things that caused me to stifle my self-expression as a child.

It is an interesting struggle that has caused a BRAIN --[disconnected to]-- MOUTH scenario for a lot of my life.  After all: "Why say anything at all if it's not going to make sense?"

How have I began to reconcile my BRAIN?  More on this soon to come.

Until then.

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